Today is the 1st of April. It's the day that we named April Fool.
It's the day when we make a fool of everyone. We bluff them, we prank them. It should be ended with laughter.
But my April Fool story is different.
Before, I was really anticipating for today. Or should I say anticipated? Cause now it's all ended.
I still remember those days. Those morning texts, good night texts, and Call-Me-Back texts. Those nights when I looked for you if I couldn't sleep. The night when we're on the phone, and you told me your story. Since then, I spent my days worrying about you. I even still remember how worried I was. Have you eaten? Did you sleep well? Are you okay? How's your migraine? And I also still remember how you told me that everything is fine, and you would take care of me. How I should just focus on my study and you would find me a job in the world of writing.
There was once, 2 a.m in the morning, I was awaken by your text. And you said, you're awake just to tell me, you love me.
You love me? Loved me? I guess you've never did.
"Nice to know that you were there,
thanks for acting like you care."
Why did you come? Why did you go?
What did you want from me? What were you trying to prove?
You are just a fool. I am just fooled.
At the end, everything was just an April Fool.
Yet, I still remember how you said you would call back.