Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Some people

Some people were born without arms and legs, but heart where they keep God inside.

Some people were born without mamma and papa, without siblings, and alone; but believe they've got God by their sides.

Some people were born without shelter, but know that they are shielded by God.

Some people were born without food and drinks, but still feel nourished by God.

Some people were born denied of education, but found their very own creative way to achieve intellectual, moral and social education in the name of God.

Some people were born completely and beautifully from head to toe, with brain and heart. Some people got to spend time with family; feeling the touch of mamma and papa, but then got them taken away--- and blame God. Some people got a house although think that it is not a home, and blame God for that. Some people have meals like a king, but still claim that God has given them nothing and blame him. Some people are well-educated, but so self-centered to believe in God. Some people blame God instead. Some people are so shameful and ungrateful.

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